Just thought I would post this video (thanks Mum for e mailing it to me) up from my run today at Maribor World Cup.
I qualified today in 12th position. I couldn't believe I had done so well because I made a couple of mistakes in my race run. My time was 3.20.65
To top things off, I've just finished the finals and finished up in 13 position with a time of 3.10.04. In the video you will see me keep going at the end of the race. I thought I hadn't done well because I made had a small crash in the last section of the track. My foot came off the pedal and my bike and me spun around. So i thought I would of finished in 60th position. Man was I shocked and stoked when I looked up at the score board and noticed I had finished 4th on the ladder. The last 12 riders came down the hill and these are the guys that are super quick. To finish amongst the best Down Hill mountain bikers in the world is a dream come true.
I wasn't expecting anything great this weekend as I have been suffering from the flu for the last few days. To finished 13th is unreal and I'm really happy. This now places me 2nd overall in juniors and if I do well in Canada, I could take 1st position.
Tam and I are now off to Canada on Thursday. We will be staying at Whistler for 4 weeks before doing the last 2 world cups in Montreal, before coming home to race for Australia. I'm really looking forward to relaxing with the Aussie guys in Whistler before taking on the best in the world again.
Just an update on how things went with the Fort William World Cup.
Practice on Friday and Saturday was not that great. I didn't get many practice runs because of a few mechanical problems. On Friday I busted a rim, my forks were playing up and I spent alot of time trying to get these problems sorted out before the qualifying run on Saturday afternoon. Saturday came around and I went up for my first run, 1/4 down the track I got a flat tyre. By the time I pushed back up the track to get the gondola back down to fix my tyre, it left me with only one practice run.
Qualifying turned out to be a dream come true. I qualified in 48th Position. My run was great with only a little problem of trying to get around a rider that had crashed. The track is long with alot of peddling. By the time you get to the last section, your legs are built up with lactic acid, your arms are numb and your trying all you can just to breathe. I managed to put up with the pain and did a time of 5:03:49. I knew I would have to improve on this time if I wanted to stay in the top 50's. I think I was in shock because not only had I made the finals, but to place 48th was something I've only ever dreamt about. My dream had turned into reality.
The finals:. I was feeling really good... Got up early and had a good breakfast. I felt relaxed but a little nervious. I packed my bags and headed with Tam and Bernard to the track.
Wow what can I say about the finals?... I couldn't believe the amount of people there.. It was the biggest world cup I've ever seen. People lined the track, there were cameras everywhere, cow bells, horns, you name it and it was there.
Bernard and I headed up the hill for our final run. I knew in my mind what I had to do, and my focus was on my race plan. I lined up for my run and I have to admit that the nerves were starting to get to me. Once I hit that gate, everything changed and I just went for it... I had absolutly nothing to lose. My race run felt great and I crossed the line with a time of 4:56:45. I remember looking at the clock and seeing my time. My name had 4th place beside it. I think I was shocked for a while.. I knew I had done well but didn't expect to pull out such a fast time. My finals time was 9 secs quicker than my qualifing time. I didn't know how I made up 9 secs. I could only dream of a top 50 in the past. To finish 39th out of 82 of the best riders in the world, was and is a dream come true.
We are now heading to Kranjska Gora, Slovenia for the European Champs. Will write more when I find some internet.
Last weekend, Tam and I, headed up to Wales to compete in round 2 of the British National Downhill Series at Liangollen. This was a new track and I have to admit that it was hell on wheels. I thought Italy was tough, but this track was the steepest, most technical track I've ever had the pleasure to ride. This track was not a place for clips and unfortunately, clips is all I had packed in my bag. I felt my chances of winning this was not so good, as I was competing against some of the best junior riders in Britain and trying to unclip at every twist and turn was not going to make life easy. I felt good during my practice runs and I knew I was going to have to go for it in the finals. One mistake on this track was going to hurt, so my mind was on staying on the bike and trying not to make mistakes. I let loose in the finals and just went for it. I have to admit there were a couple of scary moments, but I managed to stay on my bike and cross the line in 1st place. My team mate Tam, also made it onto the podium taking 4th position.
Its going to be sad to leave England because I've had a successful run here. It feels great to win the 4x and DH and taking the titles away from the Brits. They can't wait for me to bugger off back home. lol
Tam & I just want to say thanks to our sponsors.... Tomac Bikes, Super Sports, Revolution magazine and would like to welcome our new sponsor MSC Maxxis. Alot of Thanks must go to Emond from KWT Maxxis for hooking us up overseas. Also I would like to thank Harvey and Ben Power from Sunshine Harvest, Digitextiles and Ashgrove Cycles for all your support. We really appreciate it. Last but not least, I have to thank Unit Clothing. I love wearing Unit clothing, Its the best!!.
We are now in Fort William, getting ready to take on the best in the world cup. Will update you all after qualifying.